BoJo AI API Reference

Api & web archive for the dumbest things Boris Johnson has ever said.

Contact: [email protected]
Version: 1.0.0


Service to retrieve and create authors

Find an author by its id

GET /author/{id}
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

id: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response


Service to retrieve and create quote sources

Find a quote sources by its id

GET /quote-source/{id}
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

id: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response


Service to retrieve and create tags


Find a tag by its value

GET /tag/{value}
value: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response


Find a tag by its id

GET /tag/{id}
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

id: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response


Find all tags

GET /tag
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

200 OK

default response


Create a new tag

POST /tag
200 OK

default response


Service to retrieve and create quotes

Find a quote by its id

GET /quote/{id}
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

id: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response

Retrieve a quote meme by its id

GET /quote/{id}/meme
id: object
in path

(no description)

200 OK

default response

Create a new quote

POST /quote
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

201 Created

default response

Retrieve a random quote meme

GET /random/meme
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

200 OK

default response

Retrieve a random quote

GET /random/quote
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

200 OK

default response

Search quotes by query

GET /search/quote
Accept: object
in header

(no description)

query: object
in query

(no description)

page: object
in query

(no description)

200 OK

default response